
Minfulness can have a positive effects on a child’s physical and mental health.  It allows them to explore and understand the benefits of kindness, patience, and compassion for others. During the sessions the children can participate in fun activities and games that will allow them  to practise self-control,  increase their  attention/focus and encourage them in better decision making.

At Grange Community Nursery and Primary school our childrens’ health and well-being is of the upmost priority.




The Quiet Space

The Quiet Space is a specially design room located at the front of the school building which provides a calm, relaxing environment for the children.

The children can take some time to control and explore their emotions with support from staff members who are qualified mindfulness practitioners.

Low lighting, weighted dogs, pet gold fish etc


Useful books to promote Mindfulness


Mindfulness colouring sheets

There are lots of free colouring sheets and activities available online.

Free printable colouring sheets

Mindfulness Meditation/ Breathing exercises for children