Friends of Grange


The Association shall be known as ‘Friends of Grange’.


The aims of the Association are to advance the education and wellbeing of the pupils of the school by providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school. This includes:-

a) promoting close co-operation and communication between parents and teachers
b) studying and discussing matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of pupils
c) engaging in activities which support and advance the education of the pupils attending the school, including fund raising and after school activities
d) considering applications for funds put to ‘Friends of Grange’ from parents, teachers and the School Council and granting funds to support such applications where the request is passed by a majority of the General Committee.


The Members of the Association shall comprise all parents or guardians of children attending the school (including nursery class) and all teachers employed at the school.

Powers of the Association

The Association shall have the power to do anything considered by the General Committee to be in furtherance of the aims. This includes the power:-

a) to raise funds and invite and receive contributions in furtherance of the aims of the Association
b) to purchase, retain and sell donations and other assets
c) to pay from the funds of the Association all the proper costs and expenses incurred by the General Committee in establishing and administering the charity and funds of the Association.
d) to establish and operate both current accounts and deposit accounts with bankers in the name of the Association provided that cheques drawn on such accounts shall not be signed by less than two members of the General Committee

Office Bearers

  • The President (the Head Teacher of the School)
  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Minute Secretary (Guy Bennett)

The Minute Secretary shall be responsible for keeping accurate Minutes of all meetings and distributing these to the Committee members. Copies should be made available to the Parent Council and to any member of the Association who requests them.

General Committee

The business of the Association shall be managed by a Committee of no more than 25 members, consisting of 22 parents, 2 teachers and the Head Teacher.

Members of the Committee shall be appointed at the AGM. They shall be elected for a period of 3 years or until the AGM immediately following three year’s service should they join mid-term.

In the event of any vacancies, the Committee shall have the right to co-opt as many members as necessary to complete the complement until the following AGM.

Where a member of the Committee fails to attend regular meetings and does not play an active role in any of the activities of the Association, the General Committee reserves the right to ask the member to step down.

Meetings of the General Committee shall be held as required during term time.

Each member of the committee shall have one vote and resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority vote of those present. The Chairman shall have the deciding vote which shall be used only in the event of a tie.

Annual General Meetings

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in September each year. The notice calling the meeting shall be sent to members at least 21 days in advance provided that non-receipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate the meeting.
The business shall include:-

a) the work of the Committee
b) approval of the Accounts for the preceding year
c) appointment of an independent examiner of the Accounts
d) receipt of reports of the Office Bearers
e) election of members to serve on the Committee

At all Annual General Meetings voting shall be on the basis of one vote per member present at the meeting.At all Annual General Meetings the quorum shall consist of no less than 5 members of the Association.

The General Committee or a minimum of 25 members, on submission of a formal written request, shall have the power a call Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

Any member of the Association shall have the right to raise a motion to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting by sending the motion in writing to the Secretary by no later than 10 days prior to the AGM.


Funds of the Association shall be lodged in a bank, building society or other account in the name of the Association. Cheques shall be drawn or withdrawals made against the signatures of two named Committee members.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of the financial transactions of the Association.

The Association’s financial year shall end on the last day of July in each year. The accounts shall be reviewed annually by an independent examiner appointed at the previous AGM by the members.

The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring that all property/money received by/for the Association shall be applied for the aims of the Association.

Alterations to the Constitution

Changes or additions must be made at an AGM. The proposed change shall be specified in the notice calling the meeting.


If it becomes necessary to dissolve the Association, by reason of it being impossible to achieve the objectives for which the Association is set up, this decision must be made by no less than 5 members of the Association voting in person plus the President of the Association. Any remaining funds should be distributed for the benefit of the children at the school.

Friends of Grange
Events – Academic Year 2023-2024

20th OctoberSchool Sleepover
26th OctoberHalloween Disco
2nd December (11am-4pm)Christmas Fayre
15th February 2024Valentine’s Disco
22nd March 2024Easter Dress Down Day (Egg Donations)
27th March 2024 Easter Bingo
24th May 2024 Dress Down Day £1.00 donation
6th JulySummer Fayre