The School Day

7.30Breakfast Club – £1
8.30Doors Open
8.30-8.45Morning challenge
8.45-9.15Reading and registration
9.10 (Mon, Wed, Fri)Assembly (Friday – Celebration Assembly)
9.30Maths lessons begin
10.30Break time
10.45Shared Reading into Writing (Phonics in KS1)
12.00 – 12.45Early Years lunch
12.10 – 12.55KS1 lunch
12.15 – 13.00LKS2 lunch
12.30-13.15UKS2 Lunch
12.55/13.00/13.15Foundation lessons begin
15.00 – 15.15Story Time
15.15End of the school day
15.15 – 16.15After school clubs
15.15 – 17.45Fun Club

Total school time per day: 6 hours 45 minutes
Compulsory school time per day: 6 hours 15 minutes
Total school time per week: 33 hours 45 minutes