Raising A Concern
Here at Grange Community Nursery and Primary School, you don’t need to wait until Parents’ Evening before reporting a concern. We think it is best to share any worries sooner rather than later, so that small problems don’t become much larger issues.
The best way to get some meaningful time for proper discussion with any of the teachers is to arrange an appointment via the office. It is fine to use e-mail, telephone or call to request an appointment. If you have any worries please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
School Office
For lots of things, the school office can be the best place to get the information you need. We have a very skilled team who will do their very best to help. They will also arrange appointments with other members of staff.
Financial Concerns
Mrs Holmes is our Finance Assistant and is the best person to help you with any concerns or queries that you may have.
Class Teachers
Usually, the best place to start to resolve a worry about anything concerned with learning is by talking to the class teacher. We have a brilliant team of highly skilled professionals at Grange Community Nursery and Primary School. It is not necessary to wait for a Parents’ Evening. If you have a question or concern about any aspect of your child’s life in school, you can make an appointment to get things resolved quickly.
Pastoral Support Manager
We also have a dedicated and qualified Pastoral Support Manager, Mrs Rock, who is often involved in all sorts of nurture and supportive care work, in partnership with class teachers and parents, to help remove any barriers to learning, including issues with confidence, self-esteem or friendship difficulties. Mrs Rock often meets with parents during the school day.
Teaching Support Assistants
We have a large team of learning support assistants, who are an essential part of our educational provision at Grange. They assist teaching and learning in very varied ways and work with lots of children in all-year groups.
Head of School & Assistant Headteacher
You can also speak to the Acting Head of School, Mrs H McGilloway, or Assistant Headteacher, Miss May, who will be very happy to help to resolve any difficulties. Our school leaders are very experienced educationalists who regularly deal with the most complex and sensitive issues affecting children and families in the school.
Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
All children require an education which is carefully tailored to their individual needs. We are very proud of our skills in including everyone and making sure every child meets their full potential. Our coordinator in this work, working closely with class teachers is our Inclusion Leader, Mrs McGilloway.
Executive Headteacher
Our Executive Headteacher, Mrs Williams, is also happy to meet with parents to address any worries or concerns.
Remember – no problem is too small. We are always here to help and support.