Attendance at Grange Community Nursery and Primary School is improving rapidly, but it continues to be an area of improvement for the school. 

Our target for each child and for whole school attendance is 97%.


We expect every child to be in school at 8.30am because that is when learning starts.


We employ an Attendance Officer, who communicates with parents daily, supports parents with bringing their children to school, analyses data on a weekly basis and completes the relevant paperwork for children whose attendance is lower than our expectation. 


In order to encourage good attendance, we do the following: 

  • Weekly raffle for all parents, whose child has been in school, on time, every day. The prizes include: family cinema ticket, bowling ticket, swimming pass or a family meal out.

This raffle is completed with the parents in our weekly Family Assembly. 

  • Individual praise postcards for children whose attendance has improved. We praise any improvement - no matter how small.  
  • 100% attendance prizes for children on a half termly basis. 
  • An attendance thermometer is displayed in the middle of the school, showing each classes attendance on a daily basis. 
  • The winning class of the week (the class with the highest attendance) chooses a treat each Friday. 
  • Support individual families with a range of strategies to encourage their child to come to school. 
  • Home visits to help with routines and boundaries. 


We religiously follow our Attendance Policy. If attendance is declining, we implement the following: 

  • Support for the family. 
  • Request medical evidence for reoccurring absences. 
  • Hold Attendance Panel Meetings to make a clear plan of how we are going to work together with the parents to improve attendance. 
  • Implement 15-day monitoring periods for children's attendance, who despite all the above strategies, continue to decline. 
  • Issue Fixed Penalty Notices. 
Miss Sara Albiston


Attendance Policy 2022/23